In spite of the fact that elden ring rune was such a massive game, there are still a great many mysteries surrounding its backstory. The situation with Miquella, Malenia, and their Haligtree raises the most concerns at this time. In late February of 2023, when Shadow of the Erdtree was first announced, it promised to provide answers to at least some of the most pressing questions that had been plaguing fans. Despite this, there has been no further comment from the developer since then. With such a limited amount of information to go on,

To begin, there is a certain amount of conjecture and speculation among fans regarding Shadow of the Erdtree. We are aware that Torrent will play a role in it, and although it is not entirely confirmed, the majority of fans believe that it will shed light on the mysteries surrounding Miquella. Both pieces can be deduced from the one piece of concept art that has been made available for the expansion so far. Additionally, there are a few things that can be assumed, such as the fact that there will be new boss fights, exploration zones, weapons, spells, and NPCs.

The elden ring rune downloadable content includes the Erdtree Shadow.

Aside from that, however, there hasn't been a lot of information released since the initial announcement. This is our best guess for the release date of the Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree downloadable content despite the fact that we have so little information to go on.

The release date of the elden ring rune downloadable content could be another year away.

Our forecast calls for the launch of Shadow of the Erdtree to occur in the early part of 2024, with the possibility of an earlier release occurring in December of 2023.

  • This estimation is derived from the release schedules of FromSoftware's previous downloadable content for their games

  • Ashes of Ariandel was released six months after Dark Souls 3, and the free content update for Sekiro was released 18 months after that game was initially made available to the public

  • This provides a general range from which to judge

  • Given that Elden Ring's downloadable content was announced one year after the release of the base game, it is reasonable to assume that the six- to eighteen-month range should begin at that point

Since the DLC was first announced more than six months ago, FromSoftware has maintained an extremely tight-lipped stance regarding it, which may have contributed to the longer delay. If it were further along in the development process, the company might be more eager to brag about it. In addition, the Elden Ring was an enormous success for the company, selling significantly better than any of the company's other releases. Because of this, FromSoftware has an incentive to take its sweet time developing the Elden Ring downloadable content (DLC) and to remain tight-lipped about it until a release date can be absolutely confirmed. Since the DLC was first announced more than six months ago, FromSoftware has kept a tight lid on it, which may have contributed to the extended delay. The corporation could be more willing to brag about it if it were further along in the development process. Furthermore, the Elden Ring was a huge success for the company, selling substantially more than any of the company's previous products. As a result, FromSoftware has an incentive to take its time building the Elden Ring downloadable content (DLC) and to keep quiet about it until a firm release date can be guaranteed.

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